It’s such a wild indictment of these times we are living in that we can see where our elected officials spend money (both theirs and ours) and we could not care less. The mechanisms of accountability for our leaders are already weak and feeble, but they are rendered essentially nonexistent if we refuse to hold anyone's feet to the fire simply because they are part of the ruling class.
There’s a profile on Twitter (and some other sites scattered on the interwebs) that track the investments of senators and congressional representatives. Dan Crenshaw, for example, recently went big on investing in tech companies. Nancy Pelosi, if you're keeping score, owns a sizeable stake in companies that manufacture weapons. Meanwhile, millions are food insecure and are barely hanging on in dilapidated housing. Nothing for the unwashed rabble.
What a stupid neoliberal dystopia we inhabit. No wonder fascism and other forms of political and cultural idiocy are showing their dip shit faces yet again. And even against the backdrop of all this utter insanity, this untethered and unfathomable greed unfolding right before our eyes, still, no one wants to talk about any kind of communal equity or wealth redistribution or even access to mental health care. Hardly a peep from the peanut gallery about rampant economic abuses and systemic injustice. Barely even a shrug. Instead, we will get an earful about how a drag queen ruined your meek sense of masculinity or how immigrants are suddenly making your neighbor unsafe because, you know, they're not American.
We have lost our way.