We are in the middle of the storm. We still don't know what all this means yet.
Perhaps, a century from now, historians will consider these decades, this era we are living in and through, to be host to the last pathetic death knell floppings of fascism. Maybe we will look back on the champions of this cruel and barbaric movement, people like Nick Fuentes and Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, as the last gasp of Nativist Neanderthals haphazardly careening toward their failed fascist utopia. Then again, maybe this movement is simply the birth pangs of something far worse, of even more horror and bloodshed, of wars and rumors of wars; a time that historians will write about and wonder why and how in the hell we didn't all see this coming.
But we are in the middle of the storm. We still don't know what all this means yet.
It's up to you. There's hope in that, even if it doesn't seem like it. We decide. If this is, indeed, fascism raising its ugly head, we must be the ones to stomp it back down again. If this is the crawling, half-dead specter of 20th century authoritarianism desperately trying to hang on in the new millennium, we can and must bury it in the same grave as eugenics and slavery.
The good news is: We've done it before. At Gettysburg, at Normandy, at the ballot box on November 3rd, 2020. We can do it again. We *will* do it again.
"Though all we know depart.
That old commandment stand:
In courage, keep your heart,
In faith, lift up your hand."