I'm not into Certainty Worship. Faith, for lack of a better term, is not a scientific absolute - it's an ongoing dialogue with existence, akin to co-creating on an art project, a song, a poem. And to make a poem of what we call faith, I've had to learn not to settle for a false certitude but to instead lovingly embrace ambiguity and mystery with a curious mind and heart. The act is a dance, with every breath and every atom of existence as your dance partner.
I aspire to co-create in ways that lead to better questions and to ever more honest seeking. Every day, I am less imprisoned in the poisonous self-critical notions of shame and wretchedness, but instead, I'm absorbing beauty, marveling at creation, at my growth and beauty, and at the growth and beauty I see in others.
I marvel, every day; which is my own act of prayer.