Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Nothing Special.

She snuck out after dark that night, 

Against her father’s wishes. 

She’d always been a good girl, 

Never done anything like that before. 

But he was a spoken word poet, 

A shaggy haired dream. 

A college boy 

With a quick wit, kind eyes 

And an easy way about him. 

Her stomach was full of butterflies. 

She imaged being in a poem, 

In His poem; 

Not her name, necessarily, 

but her Essence. 

And she wore 

what used to be 

Her favorite black skirt 

To their date, 

under the moonlight, 

Like in a poem. 

But Mr. Dream Poet, 

Mr. Goddamn Kind Eyes, 

He brought her Death, 

Instead of a lyrical bouquet. 

It sounds ridiculous, 

But a love song was playing, 

She remembers the melody. 

 Echoing through tinny speakers 

With the treble way too high 

And the words too strange to make much sense. 

She prayed and pleaded; 

First, with him, 

And then to a god that didn’t give a shit, 

Leaking pointless tears 

On his vice grip around her neck, 

Until he was done taking whatever he wanted. 

He drove her back, 

Saying nothing. 

She remembered that awful silence, 

Her eyes puffy and swollen, 

Barely able to catch her breath, 

Waiting for red lights to turn green. 

She kept his secret 

Through the shame 

Through the terror 

Through her friends reciting Shakespeare 

and Jokingly calling her The Muse

Through the brokenness of 

Not being able to trust anyone 

Not feeling worthy of love 

Not understanding why. 

She kept his secret, 

Playing coy and elusive, 

Smiling through the pain

as it rotted her from the inside out. 

From her friends, 

From her lovers, 

From her Father 

From Everyone. 

Because she knows 

It’s nothing special. 

To be forced 



Emptied into; 

And then dropped from the heavens 

To land in a dull pile 

With Monday’s trash collection 

Alongside a million other fairytales, 

just like hers: 




Without a poem, 

Without a choice, 

Without happily ever afters.

Journal Entry - 12/22/18