Friday, February 21, 2020

Leaning Into Oblivion..

2019. I stared death in the eye. I lost my rhythm hand to a slippery dance with gravity and fate, though it’s slowly finding its way back home to me. Sweaty Epiphanies. Wild Transformations. Painful Rebirths. Magnificent Mixtapes. Strong Coffee. A even Stronger Circle of Love. And I gotta be honest, fam - I’m the luckiest motherf*cker I know.

There are some things I want to tell you if you have a minute to spare:

Life isn’t easy all the time and longing is part of the price of the ticket for being human. It's harsh and it's perfect.

You might confuse wanting something badly with needing things to be easier, but don’t worry, everyone else does, too.

Writing every day will quite possibly save your life.

Don't outsource your validation. Determining your worth through the approval of others or using anyone else to make yourself feel better is a road to self-destruction.You deserve to love yourself better than that.

Boundaries are a Superpower.

Don’t be afraid to be happy, loud or authentically weird.


So.. Here's to leaning into your pain, conversing with your ghosts, and planting seeds/singing songs where the cracks used to be. And guess what? Through all that heaviness you endure, still, it will one day dawn on you: It was already perfectly messy and beautiful to begin with.

Try to take care of each other. Election Years can be an emotional landmine and they can wreak serious havoc on our families and communities. Whatever you're fighting for, please try to make sure you emerge from this mess with your empathy firmly intact.

And Stay in the Love, y'all.